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What is a Homeowners’ Exemption
Success Story: What is a homeowners' $7000 tax exemption, and do I have that? The Homeowners' exemption is a property tax reduction given to you by the entity which calculates or assesses your tax amount. Here it's LA county tax assessor who does this. As a...
Mortgage Pre-Qualification vs Pre-Approval
How much quicker can you make acquiring your new home if you get pre-approved for a mortgage? The biggest reason people fall out of escrow is that their loan qualification wasn’t fully vetted. They did a pre-qualification versus a pre-approval. They either didn’t talk...
Is a 15 or a 30 year mortgage better?
I love this question! Why? Because this was me - when I was 23 and self-employed I bought my first home and was of the mindset to pay off my home as soon as possible. I went further and took out an actual 15 year fixed mortgage figuring I better force myself to so...