What is a Reverse Mortgage
This is a loan that has existed since 1961. According the AAG, “The very first reverse mortgage is written to Nellie Young in Portland, Maine by Nelson Haynes of Deering Savings & Loan. Haynes designs this unique type of loan to help the widowed wife of his high...
True or False: When you are self-employed it’s hard to get a loan
True or False: When you are self-employed it’s hard to get a loan? FALSE! If you’re self-employed you’re going to LOVE this Client Success Story. This long time client watched her property go up in value in 2005, then, during the mortgage meltdown of 2008 her house...
“Quote of the Week”
“Don’t Step over dollars to pick up pennies.” ~ Author unknown. Sometimes we do activities in our day or life where there is a very low payout for the activity (emotional or monetary), missing the opportunities for the greater payout. Do you find yourself going to 4...
Mortgage Late Payments – Not Their Fault! How I fixed it!
Client has 2 mortgage late payments and credit score goes down 100 points. But Athena, I wasn’t late! Imagine my client’s shock when they found out that 2 of their rental property loans were 30 days past due, yet they have the loan on auto-pay. Yes, it’s true. What...