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Refinancing Enabled This Woman to Pay Off Debt
She was crying and hugging me when she left… a client signed loan docs today to finish up her refinance, something she never thought would happen. She still had 5.5% from a mortgage from 6 years ago. She also had $50,000 in debt, and her yearly salary is the same,...
Is Section 8 Bad?
This week’s myth buster is for my soon to be and experienced investors. I often hear: “Section 8 is bad”. I would like to make the case that this is FALSE. Many landlords shy away from having section 8 tenants. They think they are poor people with too many people in...
Important Announcement! Big Changes from Fannie Mae
Fannie Mae has changed the underwriting guidelines for investors who own more the 4 financed properties. The big changes are in bold and I have described the difference with an example of the difference in calculation. A financed property has been redefined as a...