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It Was Supposed To Be a Quiet Week…
This week was supposed to be quiet. And was when the markets were closed. Then the Japanese government announced that they will temporarily stop buying US Treasury Debt. Temporarily. Who knows when they will come back into our market? Hopefully it will be next week....
Client Was Turned Down, But Then Turned it Around!
Client turned down by underwriter because of too much tax write off, even though he is a salaried engineer! This often happens when underwriters, who have to look at 4-7 profiles a day, make a technical mistake. (My client is an engineer buying a home to live in as...
Will Long Beach be a Rent Control City?
Is it true that Long Beach is going to be a rent control city? Well, possible and probably. The city council in June voted to enact a regular inspection of all rental properties in Long Beach on a rotating basis, like the City of LA does. There are many people who...