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Once Again Economic News Was Up and Down
This week’s news created a see-saw. On Monday the Institute of Supply Management Manufacturing number was announced at a much stronger than expected 51.5. On Wednesday, we learned that Institute of Supply Management announced that the Service Sector rose to 57.1, also...
First Conversation with Client was a Doozy!
A bankruptcy, a near foreclosure, and taxes not paid… a notice that the mortgage payment going up from $2300 to $3700 because the lender is forcing the “catch up”… this is how my first conversation went with my new client. Wow! But there’s more... Loan gets approved...
What is Crowdfunding?
What is crowdfunding? Great question. This is where people who don’t know each other, or perhaps they do, invest together for a common goal, and they are mostly doing this on line. For Example… You might have heard of the site or platform called, which is...