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Mortgage Mondays: The 5 Biggest Lies About FHA Loans
In this weeks Mortgage Monday episode I go over the 5 biggest lies about FHA home loans. These include myths about FHA loan restrictions, interest rates, and closing costs.If you would like to follow the Mortgage Monday series, or just keep update with the latest...
Should I Refinance my Mortgage with Interest Rates Getting Lower?
Since interest rates have hit a low we thought we would never see again (last seen in 2016), many of my clients are asking me this. Actually, they ask if they* should refinance their mortgage, not whether I* am refinancing mine. In the past, every time rates dropped,...
Did you qualify for a better or worse loan than expected when applying for a mortgage? What was the year and what did your financial situation look like?
I remember when I bought my first home I had saved up 20% down and I was 23 years old. definitely wet behind the ears. I went to the bank to get a loan. They ran my credit and they said I had no credit. I said that’s impossible. I pulled out my wallet and put all the...