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Reposted from the Apartment Association, California Southern Cities AACSC RED ALERT - If you own property in Culver City, please take note: Culver City Council Meeting Monday, April 23, 2018, 7:00 pm City Hall 9770 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 The Culver City...
To Buy or Not to Buy: Triplex in Miami FL.
Hello From Miami! Tom and I are on an excursion on Florida, looking at investment properties, and attending "Mobile Home Park University." Watch, learn, and earn....when will you be ready to invest out of state? What do you think of this mulitplex?
Economic News: This week’s news was light
On Wednesday, the government announced the CPI figure for March – down 0.1% with the core rate up 0.2%. This did not even cause a ripple in the markets. You may recall that I mentioned a Treasury auction this week. The auctions did not draw what we would call a robust...