Let’s Talk About Jobs

Let’s Talk About Jobs

As you know, the first Friday of the month means we got the JOBS report. We added 242,000 jobs to the employees and the unemployment remained at 4.9%. Some say this is not the true number of those actually unemployed, because the number does not include people who...
More Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

More Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

Yes, it was JOBS JOBS JOBS eclipsing all other data. The October non-farm payrolls were up 271,000 putting the US unemployment rate at 5% down from 5.1%. The hourly earnings were up .4% and initial weekly jobs claims were up 16,000. Productivity in Q3 was up a...
Jobs, Jobs, … and Jobs

Jobs, Jobs, … and Jobs

JOBS JOBS YAWN… The Labor Dept. announced the monthly jobs report today with a big yawn from the investor community. They reported 173,000 jobs were created, but expectations had been that the number would be 218,000. Historically, this number gets revised, so the...