Listening and Learning Works – Investor Success Story
6 years ago, a 25 year old man was dragged into my real estate investment class at TUSD. He listened and learned. A few months later he came in for his 90 minute free consultation. He also played CASH Flow 101 a couple of times and had fun. During the consultation...
Loan Denied, Why?
My sister was turned down by her credit union for a loan and we can’t figure out why? She is retired, but gets income from oil investments and other stock dividends. She has 4 Million in her IRA. We are shocked!” Great question! After her reviewing her tax...
What is Crowdfunding?
What is crowdfunding? Great question. This is where people who don’t know each other, or perhaps they do, invest together for a common goal, and they are mostly doing this on line. For Example… You might have heard of the site or platform called GoFundMe.com, which is...