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Success Story: Need a coach or a guru?
Clients came in who had attended my real estate investment class at Torrance Unified twice in the last 4 years. In addition to my classes, they had attended many of the free seminars given at hotels by other “teachers” and joined real estate clubs to gain more...
A Second Chance at Home Ownership
The economic slowdown and mortgage meltdown were a shock to so many. But even more of a shock is how much the printing business was affected by the availability of low cost print options. That’s what my client was facing in 2008. The perfect storm. Many...
Economic News: This week was quiet on the economic news front.
On Tuesday, housing starts for April came in at a DROP of 2.6%, and the building permits also dropped 2.5%, normally good for rates but fixed rates didn’t move much because of April Industrial Production was up 1% and capacity utilization was up to a 20-month high of...