Clients came in who had attended my real estate investment class at Torrance Unified twice in the last 4 years. In addition to my classes, they had attended many of the free seminars given at hotels by other “teachers” and joined real estate clubs to gain more knowledge.

Two weeks ago, they called me frustrated because they still had not bought a property.

Hearing their story and asking a few key questions, we came to the realization that they had gathered information like the pieces to a puzzle but still didn’t know what was right for them.

Some investment ideas were puzzling, complicated, some too time-consuming, and some required a huge “coaching fee” for any success. Or so these “hotel gurus” implied.

They are both conservative people, and didn’t want to throw $5,000 up to $50,000 at someone whom they didn’t know, and more importantly they didn’t know would help.

They wanted to invest, but not that way, so now what?

During our 90-minute free consultation we were able to figure out their end goal, work backwards to figure out the different investment paths they could take, and what real estate investments would get them there. They left with homework of course, but now they will be able to invest with a purpose, see the opportunities that fit them, and quickly reject the ones that don’t.

Not every deal is a good deal, and not every good deal is good for your personal investing path.

If you or anyone you care about ever thought of investing in real estate but don’t know where to start, call me for a free 90-minute consultation. I promise it will be worth your time!