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Success Story of the Week: The Dangers of Online Lenders
A longtime client (did her first loan in 1992) called me to see if she could get a HELOC converted to a fixed rate (I actually got 3 such calls this week cause of the fed raising the rate) or should she refi. I said it’s cheaper if her current HELOC lender...
Quotes of the week: She Lost It All, But Still Wasn’t Defeated
About a month ago, a client had called me very embarrassed. She had gone into an investment with a friend, and the investment went bad and lost all her money. It turns out the “friend” had met up with an investor who guaranteed a certain return because he...
Save $10,000s More in Taxes
My interview on Cost Segregation. Learn how to save tens of thousands of dollars more in taxes than the average investor with the property you already own.