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Success Story of the Week: Buy Low, Sell High!
A client followed my advice 2 years ago and bought property (a duplex) in the Miami area. Her first investment property! She only had $40,000 to invest, so SoCal was out of the question. We focused on Miami because I have a team built up out there. She...
Quotes of the Week: Necessary Change
This week I was thinking about what it takes to go from where you are to where you want to be. I thought back to times where I wanted to reach a goal so bad that I was willing to do anything. I can be pretty “black and white”, which in this case is good,...
Economic News This Week (June 17th): Bad News for Rates
Tuesday the CPI or consumer price index was up 0.2% with the core rate up 0.2% which was benign news. Wednesday was a busy day: the May PPI or producer price index was up more than expected, jumping 0.5% on higher field costs but the core rate was up only...