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Quote of the Week, September 9
Ben Franklin almost had it right when he said, “…in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The only thing I’d add to this statement is “change”. Change is certain and inevitable. The seasons change, our bodies change, our...
Economic News: Bad News foe Billionaires, Good News for Bonds
This week was again pretty mild in economic data reports. The markets had their eye on the reports from the street; Wall Street that is. Tesla has had a rough year as the Elon Musk interview and annual meeting showed. Their stock dropped 6%. Trade wars are affecting...
Success Story: Mission Impossible
“Athena HELP!” was the email subject line The roof of Joe’s rental property was leaking and needed to be replaced. The price tag was a hefty $25,000! He is recently retired, and his credit cards were maxed out, so he couldn’t use his cards to pay for the roofs. With...