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All eyes were on the Fed this week. Next week: the Brits!!
The Federal Reserve’s FOMC meeting came out as most expected: an announcement that they will not raise the Fed Funds rates. However the news also came out that most Fed Presidents feel that there will only be 1 rate hike this year, as opposed to the 3 that were...
1 Minute Webinar: Bad Appraisal
Got a bad appraisal. Hope is not lost! Watch this weeks, "1 Minute Webinar" and find out what you can do. Remember if you need... A Loan A Refi A...
Positive News for Mortgage Rates
This was a slow economic news week. The First quarter productivity number was revised to-0.6%; yes, shrinking, not expanding, and the unit labor costs revised to 4.5%. Yes: it is costing more to produce something (employee, insurance etc. costs). This was mild news,...