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Unlocking the Power of Leverage. A Success Story
Tom and Betty bought a triplex in Torrance 3 years ago for $790,000. They put 30% down and got a 30-year fixed rate of 5.125% on a loan amount of $553,000. When they received my postcard about freeing-up cash, they found out that their property is now worth $1,000,000...
Economic news: This week, the markets awaited the March jobs report
To take you back in time, last month’s report showed a gain of 235,000 (later revised to 219,000) jobs and unemployment rate of 4.7%. Drum roll please! The jobs report for March was only 98,000 (weak but cyclical see the chart below) and the jobless rate dropped to...
Why it Pays to Reach Out to Old Friends
Does this sound familiar? A previous client had been in and out of work for 18 months. He needed money and decided he’d try borrowing against a home he owns with his siblings. Unfortunately, not only is the home being rented for under market to one of the siblings, he...