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Success Story of the Week: Getting On Solid Ground After A Divorce
What do you do when you find yourself after a divorce houses rich but cash and income poor? Stacy was were referred by her friend who had read my article on how to keep your house after a divorce. She and her husband had owned a home, and he had been the main...
How to protect your intellectual property?
Facebook live interview with Manoj Shah from The Fashion Law Group. If you have an idea or product you want to protect then it is a must see!
Economic news this week: This week was light in economic data but still exciting (maybe even a little scary)!
Monday and Tuesday there was tight trading range in the bond market and then BAMM! Wednesday the CPI was up 0.5% with the core index up 0.3% which was a larger jump than expected. Keep in mind that the core index is where the government takes out the food and energy...