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What To Do When Your Landlord Sells Your Home
Imagine, you live in a home as a renter for 32 years. You are told that if the landlords ever decide to sell the home, they will sell it to you. So you spend time fixing it up, doing upgrades, living as if the home was indeed yours. Then you get an eviction notice....
Quote of the Week
When times get tough, I think about what can never be taken away from me: my education, the stories of my past, my memories of friendship, and so on. As we begin this great New Year, my wish for you is that you too will learn, experience, and value the beautiful...
Success Story: Save $1000s with the “Float Down”
What can save you $1000s over the life of a loan? A Float Down. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s not your fault. Very few mortgage brokers provide Float Down’s, which makes them very rare… but lucky for you, I do. Locking in an interest rate means getting a...