Attn: You’ll want to read this one through till the end

I hope that the first quarter of the year has gone well for you.

As you may already know, the Fed did raise the prime rate, and some parts of the economy look stronger. The stock markets are at all-time highs, though “talking heads” are still predicting a crash in the near future.

Locally, real estate values are still going up because of a lack of inventory and a rush to get into a home before rates get even higher.

That being said, some homeowners still have not refinanced because their property value had been hit by the mortgage meltdown, and is just now reaching the price they paid 10 years ago.

Along the way many people also had their credit blemished by the financials trials of 2007-2015, and for some it continues still today.

The government’s Dodd Frank regulation made it harder to get credit or for banks to lend money right when most people needed it most.

In fact, if you remember, credit card companies slashed the credit limits on 100,000s of credit cards, causing credit scores to drop on innocent bystanders as unintended consequences of this law. Even with a perfect payment record, thousands of people lost hundreds of points on their score just on this credit item alone.

Now we can help those people who could not get a HARP loan and are still paying rates above 5%; now is the time to get financially healthy before interest rates go up.

Maybe take cash out and eliminate debt, or finally sell the house and move to a better geographical area, cheaper area or better sized home. Don’t stay on the sidelines; I’m here to help.

Today, during my FREE 90-minute consultations with new homebuyers, I still find many people who THINK they have bad credit and don’t.

Stop guessing, I can check your credit and help you or someone you care about, to create a high credit score. For example, I have a little-known trick that will boost a credit score 60 points in 6 months. Did you know that if your credit score is above 700 you get 0.25% LOWER interest rate than the person who has a 680 score? YEP, big breakpoint there!

I would love to help. And it’s free, because I want you and those you care about to get wealthy and financially independent through real estate investment.

Call me today!
