The People Who Benefit from a Real Estate Transaction

Before the closing
The realtor (buyer’s agent)
The realtor’s broker (buyer’s agent)
The realtor’s front desk person (buyer’s agent)
The realtor’s assistant (buyer’s agent)
The franchise company

The realtor (listing agent)
The realtor’s broker (listing agent)
The realtor’s front desk person (listing agent)
The realtor’s assistant (listing agent)
The franchise company

The escrow officer
Escrow company owner
Escrow assistant
Escrow company receptionist
Document storage scanning person
Document storage company

Title officer
Title company receptionist
The title records person
Title officer assistant
The title rep (sales representative)
Title messenger who runs docs to the county

Loan company
Loan officer
Loan officer assistant
Underwriter assistant or coordinator
QC person
Bank rep /sales person
Doc drawer
Post-closing compliance person
Tax service reviewer
Flood certificate company
Tax service company
HOA certificate company
HOA management company
Document storage company

Home Inspector

Home warranty rep
Home warranty company receptionist
Home warranty company owner/shareholders

Appraiser’s Appraisal management company owner
Appraiser’s AMC reviewer
Appraiser’s or AMCs typist
County recorder’s office clerk

Insurance company
Insurance underwriter
Insurance co receptionist
Insurance sales person

Post closing
Moving people
Moving company owner

Home repair store
Carpeting store
Carpet installer
Paint store owner
Paint company shareholders
Alarm company
Alarm installer
Alarm salesperson
Home cleaning people
Home cleaning company

And the list goes on…